7.6 PLCF project change management
Another category of project change is changes in the project leader(s). The Board shall have the right to implement such changes based on a Board decision.
The Board shall have the right to terminate a project based on a Board decision.
7.7 Fundraising activities
PLCF and its Members shall comply and follow all applicable laws, regulations, and rules related to fundraising activities where PLCF conducts or plans to conduct fundraising.
In addition, PLCF and its Members shall respect and follow rules of institutions and organizations when PLCF engages in fundraising on the premises or at the events organized by such institutions and organizations.
7.8 PLCF assets management
The Board has the responsibility of managing PLCF assets, including donated funds, donated goods, and other funds, other goods, equipment and properties PLCF owns or controls. The Board shall be responsible for establishing rules and guidelines for managing PLCF assets. Specifically, the Board shall be responsible for establishing, maintaining, and updating rules of PLCF finance.
PLCF or any of its Members shall be forbidden to use donated funds and goods for purposes other than their intended use.