
7.3             Election of PLCF Officers
Shortly after the voting on Directors, the Board shall have a Board meeting.  Two decisions are required of this meeting.  The first decision is the election of the President and the Vice President.  The second decision is the reassignment of Directors’ responsibilities. 

The candidates of the presidency and the vice-presidency can be self-nominated or nominated by another Directors.  Directors then cast their votes for the candidates.  The candidate having the highest number of votes becomes the new President.  The candidate having the second highest number of votes becomes the new Vice President.  If two or more candidates have the same count of votes, the following rules apply in the same order they appear:

The Director who received more votes from Members in the last Director election wins. 
In case the Members’ votes in the last Directors election cannot determine the results, the candidate with the longest or longer accumulated service as a Director wins.
In case the accumulated service cannot determine the results, the candidate who became a Member on an earlier date wins.

7.4             Language of choice
The Chinese language may be the language of choice for many PLCF documents for practical purposes.  But for legal and tax purposes, each of the PLCF by-laws, the PLCF conflict of interest policy, and PLCF annual financial reports shall have an English version.  The English versions of these documents shall be the official PLCF documents.  The Chinese versions of these documents are regarded as the translation of the corresponding English versions.  When differences exist in the understanding of the English version and that of the Chinese version of any of these documents, the English version serves as the basis for interpretation.