
6            PLCF board of directors, officers, and board meetings PLCF
6.1             PLCF Board of Directors
PLCF shall have a Board of Directors (hereafter the Board), consisting of at least four but no more than twelve members.  Each member of the Board is a PLCF director (hereafter Director).  The Board is the decision-making body of PLCF.  The Board decides the number of its members and their responsibilities based on the needs of PLCF operations.  The Directors shall be elected by PLCF members.  The term of a Director is four years.  Only a PLCF member can be candidate for a Director.  A PLCF member may serve multiple terms as a Director (including consecutive terms), with no limit on how many terms.  See Section 7.2 for details of the election of Directors.

The typical Board responsibilities include, but not limited to, approving modifications to PLCF by-laws, establishing PLCF rules and policies, approving modifications to PLCF rules and policies, having the ultimate responsibility over PLCF assets, having the ultimate responsibility of PLCF’s finance, approving PLCF’s annual financial reports, approving new projects, appointing management teams for new projects, deciding the size of the Board, overseeing Membership service, establishing and maintaining a process to handle Member suggestions and complaints, and determining disciplinary measures for unethical or illegal conducts of Members.

6.2             PLCF officers
PLCF shall have one president (President hereafter) and one vice president (Vice President hereafter).  The President and the Vice President shall be decided by the PLCF Board of Directors.  The PLCF President and Vice President are PLCF officers (hereafter Officer(s)) as well as members of PLCF Board of Directors.  The term of the PLCF President and the Vice President is four years.  A Director may serve the presidency or vice presidency multiple terms (including consecutive terms), with no limit on how many terms.    See Section 7.3 for details of the election of Officers.

In the event that, for some reasons, the President is no longer capable of performing PLCF duties, the Vice President will succeed the presidency.  If the vice president chooses not to do that or, for some reasons, is not capable of doing that, the Board shall follow the rules in Section 7.3 to elect a President from the existing Directors.