
6.3             PLCF Board meetings
PLCF Board shall have at least one Board meeting in a fiscal year.  The PLCF’s fiscal year is April 1st of a year to March 31st of the following year.  TBD is the preferred month for a Board meeting for the reason of PLCF tax return filing deadline is TBD.  PLCF finance, changes of Board members, review of PLCF projects, and discussions and decisions on motions from Directors or Members should be on the Board meeting agenda. 

There are two parallel procedures through which an item is elevated to a motion to the Board: 

A Member proposes it and collects support prior to the Board meeting (in terms of signatures and/or e-mails) from Members either three times the size of the Board or one third of the total number of Members, whichever is less. 
A Director proposes it, at or before the Board meeting, and another Director seconds it. 
The first procedure is designed to allow any Member to take an item to the Board meeting independent of the Board involvement.

A motion should have only one decision desired.  The initiator of a motion shall prepare relevant background information and state the decisions desired.  If time and situation allows the initiating Member agrees, the Board may assign a Director to work with the initiating Member to better prepare the motion.

Because Board members are likely to be in different places, the default Board meeting format is on-line meeting.    

The Board makes decisions by voting.  Half or more of the Board forms a quorum.  The Board voting follows the majority rule among all voting Directors.   When counting votes on Board decisions, an “abstain” vote is counted as a vote.  If on-line voting is used, the Board shall allow reasonable amount of time for Directors to cast their votes.  If the number of votes for the motion is exactly half of the total votes, the following rules apply in the same order they appear:

The president’s vote is the tie-breaking vote. 
In the case the president does not vote or does not have a for-vote, the vice president’s vote becomes the tie-breaking vote. 
In the case the vice president does not vote, the motion is not passed.
Additional Board meetings may be called by the president, the vice president, or more than one third (1/3) of the total number of Board members.  Example:  If PLCF has an eight-member Board including the president and the vice president, and six regular directors, any three of the six regular directors can call for a Board meeting.  The party that calls for an additional Board meeting shall prepare issue(s) with background information and decisions sought, if any.

Each Board meeting shall generate a meeting report to capture decisions made.